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DIGITAL LIFESTYLE SOLUTIONS: Luxury Home Automation - Atlanta

ecoLinx Energy Automation: 9 Advantages of Sonnen Battery

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Sonnen Battery fuses home automation and clean energy, creating the ultimate eco-friendly smart home. ecoLinx is the world’s first energy management system, which generates energy automation.

It’s your smart home’s all-in-one energy management solution that can be integrated with the industry’s leading home automation systems, like Creston and Control4. It delivers manageable circuit breakers, so you can fully manage your home’s energy usage.

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What is Energy Automation - Take your energy into your own hands


Energy automation is used by homeowners to proficiently manage the consumption of energy in your home and the electronics powered in your household. As a result, lesser energy is consumed, which benefits not only to you but to the community and the environment as well.

It’s the combination of automation software, smart circuit breakers, and other components, like your home’s automated lighting and electronic window shades. Optimizing your home to be energy-efficient allows you to beat the summer heat without compensating costs.

Read more …What is Energy Automation - Take your energy into your own hands

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Solar Power Battery Backupbright-solar-energy-automation-home

When there is a power outage all you can think of is how fast can we get the electricity back on, Will my cool goods spoil? How long can we go without heat or air conditioning? You need a backup that will always be ready to kick in if there is a power cut. Such a backup can be efficiently provided with a solar-powered battery backup.

The solar battery can easily be charged with the help of solar panels attached to the roof of the house and it can be fired up during an emergency. People tend to use such a backup when their power isn’t reliable enough.

With various types of automation technology in the market, there are smart solar backup systems that can provide the necessary backup power.


Read more …Solar Power Battery Backup

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